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Most contemporary Christians acknowledge the doctrine of hell, but they’d rather not think about how God punishes the wicked. Four Views on Hell meets this subject head-on with different views on what Scriptures says. Is hell to be understood literally as a place of eternal smoke and flames? Or are such images simply metaphors for a real but different form of punishment? Is there such a thing as...

sheol in a particular passage refers to the grave only or to life after this life in the intermediate state. The uncertainty as to how sheol should be interpreted in the Old Testament led to the extensive debate carried on by William G. T. Shedd with Charles Hodge. Shedd’s Dogmatic Theology debated at great length the meaning of sheol in his discussion on the intermediate state.4 Shedd took the position that when sheol is used of the saints it refers only to the grave, but when used of the unsaved,
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